APLA Health

APLA Health’s mission is to achieve health care equity and promote well-being for the LGBT and other underserved communities and people living with and affected by HIV. We help more than 14,000 people across Los Angeles every year by giving them access to culturally competent health care and by ensuring people living with HIV can access life-sustaining support services such as our food pantry, nutrition counseling, housing support, benefits counseling, and more.

Help us as we host food drives at various supermarkets in Los Angeles to solicit items needed for our Vance North Necessities of Life Program (NOLP) food pantries. These include non-perishable food as well as personal hygiene items for people living with HIV/AIDS. We serve thousands of people each year who live on less than $1,000 a month and rely on us for nutritious food.  To volunteer, click here.

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