Steve Jobs Okay With Wall Street Protesters

Steve Jobs may have been part of the elite one percent of society that has 40 percent of the nation's wealth but he wasn't a man hated on Wall Street.

For proof just ask the Wall Street protesters like the Associated Press did.

When word of Jobs death tweeted through the streets of New York, on Wall Street protesters took a moment to honor the fallen tech mogul.

"A ripple of shock went through our crowd," Thorin Caristo, who helps lead Occupy Wall Street's web-based movement, told the AP.

Why was the man who is No. 136 on Forbes' list of the world's wealthiest billionaires given a pass by protesters?

Some said because the man was also behind a lot of the tech tools that make it possible for them to network and organize the protests.

The logic might make a bit more sense than the Westboro Baptist Church's explanation about why they announced their protest of Jobs' funeral using an iPhone and its Twitter app.

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