Whether you are an essential worker or not, it is important to wear a mask when you are out in public. However, wearing a mask all the time can cause skin irritation and other issues. California Live chatted with dermatologist Dr. Nina Desai about how to take care of your skin and prevent mask rash.
Desai said some common problems her patients have been experiencing while wearing masks are skin irritation or allergic reactions to mask materials.
Desai suggested to apply a barrier cream to your skin while wearing a mask to prevent irritation. Desai recommends moisturizers like Aquaphor, Cerave Healing Ointment or Biafine. By wearing the moisturizer, a barrier is created between the skin and the mask thus protecting your skin.
Taking care of your skin after you take off your mask is extremely important, said Desai. After taking the mask off, be gentle with your skin and make sure the products you are using are hypoallergenic and fragrance free. Desai recommends a gentle cleanser that will hydrate your skin. Look out for these moisturizing ingredients in products: ceramide, glycerin or hyaluronic acid.
Desai also said if your skin is itchy or red put some hydrocortisone cream on the affected area.