America's Got Talent

Got Talent? Now's Your Chance to Show It Off at the AGT Auditions in Pasadena

Meet the producers of America's Got Talent during their open call.

Have you spent time looking in the mirror practicing your favorite song while using a hairbrush as a microphone? Or balanced a ball on your nose while jumping on a trampoline? Or maybe even played the ukulele while a dozen cats do a synchronized dance around you? 

If any of these sound like skills you might have then it sounds like you’ve got talent. And you might want to head to the Pasadena Convention Center on Saturday, Feb. 1 for the America’s Got Talent open call auditions.

Everyone with a talent to share is welcome to audition.The producers will be there to meet you and see your skills. Even mimes! Doors open at 8am and will stay open until 7pm. Go to for details.

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