Rock & Republic Sample Sale Is Worth the Drive

Fashion blog Sassy Flashy Classy, which we are incapable of saying three times twice, went to the friends and family preview of the Rock & Republic sale currently on in Culver City and came back with a full report. What they learned: Jeans are $80 ($100 if they're embellished; $50 for kids.) Tanks are $10, shirts are $20, sweaters and outerwear are $30, blazers are $75, and the most expensive item they saw was $200. As for shoes, they're $80 unless you're blessed with size 37 feet, in which case you'll be able to find yourself some lovely samples for $40.

Overall, this sounds like a promising afternoon of shopping. Don't forget to bring some sort of handbag alternative, since purses aren't allowed, and if you're not interested in flashing a bunch of strangers, wear leggings—in true sample sale style, the dressing room is communal.

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