The Los Angeles Times' Martha Groves reports that Beny Alagem, owner of the Beverly Hills Hilton, has been "wining and dining" locals in an effort to gain support for that big contentious project that would renovate the existing Hilton and add a Waldorf Astoria. All fine and dandy, but a slip by a staffer at the Hilton resulted in the involvement of the Beverly Hills City Attorney. According to the paper, the staffer sent out an invite to an open-bar event at the hotel (details about the event were also posted on Facebook). The invite read: "We're turning the poolside lounge at the Beverly Hilton into a club . . . reminder: Your ticket into the event is your ballot showing that you voted for Measure H or vote [sic] at the door." An email retraction has been sent, but at least one local Beverly Hills resident is calling for more legal action. This incident follows that episode in which the ex-Mayor, who opposes the development, was photographed removing a sign in support of the project.
· E-mail invite raises hackles in Beverly Hills [LA Times]
· Controversial Beverly Hills Waldorf-Astoria Project Moves Forward [Curbed LA] For more stories from Curbed LA, go to