Beware, Holiday Shoppers. $30 Million Worth of Fake Designer Products Seized in LA and Long Beach
Shoppers, beware.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized nearly 14,000 fake designer items, from fake Fendi to faux Gucci to phony Chanel, totaling an estimated $30 million worth of counterfeit items.
The items arrived at the Los Angeles/Long Beach Seaport from China Nov. 9.
There were "handbags, tote bags, shoulder bags, crossbody bags, backpacks, shirts, and pants," all promising to be genuine Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, YSL and Louis Vuitton items.
"If genuine, the seized merchandise would have a combined estimated Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of $30,437,775," CBP said in a release.
“If the price of the product seems too good to be true, it probably is. Counterfeit goods are often of poor quality and can even be unsafe for you and your family," the statement read.
CBP says to be on the lookout for improperly sized labels, bad stitching, and thinner fabrics.
The agency also said to check reviews if buying items online, and check if they have a working U.S. phone number.