Raw food often comes to prominence every summer, when the fields are fat with luscious crops and trees heavy with citrus and bright berries are everywhere for the picking.
And the asparagus. Oh, the asparagus. Bundles and bundles, rubberbanded and twined, waiting for a spritz of lemon.
Of course, raw food aficionados aren't fair-weather friends to their beliefs or meal staples. They go raw all year, including winter, and the holidays, when meals can grow elaborate, even outlandish, losing their simple and true hearts.
We're liking Happy Raw-lidays for that reason. It's a seasonal welcome at Vernare's Living Showroom in West Hollywood, Women of the Green Generation are behind the Wednesday, November 18th party, and there will be delicious treats and tonics and more, all with a holiday vibe. A $10 donation is asked.
Kudos to Go to Green LA for the tasty tip. Going raw for Christmas isn't just about the crudite platter stuck at the end of the buffet. It can be the buffet, and the dessert table, and the shelf of yummy leftovers in the fridge...