KOREATOWN: The dirt started moving last year, and well, it doesn't seem like much has happened since. This the site of the now-dormant Emhurst Hotel slated for a lot between Hobart and Harvard. It's not clear if the land is up for sale, but no listing is seen on Loopnet. Meanwhile, a sign contest for "longest-standing sign with no construction" is now declared: Park Fifth sign, Glass Tower sign, and Emhurst sign are strong contenders. [Curbed Staff]
KOREATOWN: Speaking of Koreatown, a reader would like to air some complaints: "I live in K-town, and drive every day to downtown LA via Olympic. What's up with the very large amount of annoying charter buses that line Olympic (mostly near Vermont) that are loading up with passengers to be carted off to casinos? And when I say buses, i mean like 4 or 5 at any given time? and the sidewalks are just crammed with people to go to these casinos... Now here's my question... HOW IS THIS LEGAL? City streets- very busy city streets are overrun by buses. NOT private parking lots??? WHO and WHERE can i report this annoying situation?" We have never seen a casino bus in Los Angeles--who can help this woman? [Curbed InBox]For more stories from Curbed LA, go to la.curbed.com.