Easter Arrives Early in Orange

The Big Bunny is set for his Irvine Regional Park debut.

GETTING THE JUMP... on a holiday? It isn't always easy. There are lists and errands and plans and dinners for seemingly weeks ahead of the date. But when you have little ones around, and the weather is feeling finer, the pull to start celebrating can begin, especially when you know that the Big Bunny is in the house. Oh, did we let that slip? Well, indeed, he is, at the Irvine Park Railroad, starting on Saturday, March 29. Like his buddy Santa -- surely Mr. Claus and Mr. Bunny are solid acquaintances, yes? -- the Easter Bunny shows up a little early at the quaint Orange family-sweet outpost. This means picture taking with young visitors, and other to-dos like egg hunts, face painting, and, yep, train rides. Lest your kid is worried that the bunny should get busy preparing for the whole hiding-of-eggs bit come Sunday, April 20, worry not; he's actually taking that day off from visiting the railroad, but will be there, meeting fans, through Saturday, April 19.

EGG HUNT TIMES: Searching for small, brightly hued orbs shall go on throughout the day, but, note, at specific times, only. And age groups? Yep, they're are a few of 'em. Make sure your tot is set to go at the appropriate hour. If looking under leaves for eggs isn't his or her thing, a Easter-theme-y moon bounce and Easter cookie decorating'll be going down around the grounds, too. The full schedule? It's here, hippity hoppity people.

BEYOND THE BUNNY: While we're fairly certain that a long-eared gentleman and the sweet train that wends its way through the rustic park'll keep you hopping even post-egg hunting, the OC Zoo is nearby, as are paddleboat and bike rentals.

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