EaterWire Chain Edition: In-N-Out Rumors, Starbucks SF Clover Debut, HOB Safe For Now

IN-N-OUT: Early this afternoon we caught wind of a rumor. A rumor that then oozed over the internet like spread on an animal style double-double. The rumor was that the burger chain would celebrate its 60th anniversary on October 22 with 25-cent hamburgers, 30-cent cheeseburgers, 15-cent fries, and 10-cent drinks. A call to corporate said they were indeed turning 60 but had no plans whatsoever for the discounted menu. "We hope you can help us set the record straight," she laughed. "We've had probably thousands of calls." Still, others hold out hope that In-N-Out is just trying to "surprise" us. Those are probably the same people who missed out on Phillipe's 10-cent French dip. [FoodBeast]

STARBUCKS: Bucky's rolled out the Clovers today in eight San Francisco-area locations. One early verdict: "Pretty good for what it is ... I got the mid-range/medium Guatemalan Antigua grande, and I think they undercharged me since the Clover menu on the point-of-sale system seemed to be obscured from normal view." Lucky. Price most people paid: $3.25 a cup. LA next? [Eater SF]

HOUSE OF BLUES: After last night's West Hollywood city council meeting, Councilman John Heilman reported that "council members have decided to investigate all complaints and work with the club to fix the problem," possibly restricting hours of operation or requiring more security. [KTLA, previously]For more stories from Eater LA, go to

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