Heritage Square, that clutch of colorful Victorian buildings at the side of the 110, pulls back the curtain on vintage Halloween celebrations, and Victorians' mourning rites, this weekend.
We're exceedingly fond of this time-machine-y spot. We've been zooming -- rather, we've been driving at an appropriate speed -- up the Pasadena Freeway, only to be caught by the sight of several ornate buildings, seemingly dropped from the sky, to one side of the freeway. You too? One day we had to nose around, and what we found charmed the bloomers off of us. Reenacters in costumes, old-fashioned games, music from eras past. The spooky Halloween weekend festival should pile charm on top of charm, as guides explain the popularity of spiritualism and mediums among the Victorians, and other frightening fads and fashions of the day.
On Saturday night, Heritage Square is showing the silent "Frankenstein" followed by "The Raven" out on the great lawn. Back a picnic, find a cinema-loving sweetheart and prepare to be chilled through and through. Will you keep driving by this LA gem? "Nevermore," we hope.
Victorian Mourning Tours
October 25 and 26, 12-4PM
$10 Movie: October 25 at 7PM ($10 -- please note this is a separate fee apart from entrance)
Heritage Square Museum, 3800 Homer Street, Los Angeles