Hangover Observations: A Night in Bar Celona

Bar menu via Franklin Avenue

For those following our Twittering (sign up! you can tweet, too!) last night, we popped into Bar Celona in Old Town Pasadena to try some of Josef Centeno's new tapas menu. The restaurant is five years old and always had semi-decent food at best, so having someone like Centeno give the menu some life is a good thing (at least they know they'll get lots and lots of press---the place was crawling with bloggers.) Unfortunately the food came as passed apps and mostly of the fried variety (empanadas, croquetas, fried anchovies), so we can't really judge how good this attempt will be. Plus, Centeno will only be around to guide the kitchen for a month; after that, he's off to find his own place again. We can say, however, that the sangria was quite tasty as were the cocktails from Damian Windsor and Eric Alperin, two of LA's most ubiquitous mixologists. If they also put a permanent stamp on the Bar Celona menu, there'd be even more reason to go.
· Centeno Resurfaces...Again [~ELA~]
· Pasadena's Bar Celona Gets Menu Makeover [Franklin Ave]For more stories from Eater LA, go to la.eater.com.

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