NBC4 Nominated for Nine LA Press Club Journalism Awards

NBC4 Southern California was nominated for nine SoCal Journalism Awards by the Los Angeles Press Club.  The winners were announced at the 57th annual awards ceremony in Downtown Los Angeles on June 28, where NBC4 won four awards. 

NBC4 nominations and placement include:
• Television: Videographer, Ernesto Torres, “Risky Ride”
• Television: Sports, Kenny Holmes, “Mechanics of an Olympian”
All Media Platforms: Educational Reporter, John Cadiz Klemack, “Miramonte Sex Scandal: Exclusive Continuing Coverage” - 1st PLACE
• All Media Platforms: Multi-Media Package, Joel Grover and Jacquelin Sonderling, “Risky Ride: Who’s Behind the Wheel”
• On-line: Hard News, Christina Cocca, Samia Khan and Jonathan Lloyd, “Massacre Near UC Santa Barbara” - 1st PLACE 
• On-line: Traffic and City, Willian Avila, Christina Cocca, Kelly Goff, Samia Khan, Jonathan Lloyd and Andrew Lopez, “Deadly California Bus Crash” - 1st PLACE 
On-line: Investigative, Joel Grover and Jacquelin Sonderling, “Risky Rides” and “Water Hogs Investigation” - 1st PLACE (Water Hogs)
• Best use of Social Media to Enhance and/or Cover a Story (Organization): Christina Cocca, Samia Khan, Jonathan Lloyd, Andrew Lopez and Irene Moore, “Deadly California Bus Crash”

NBC4 Anchor and Reporter Robert Kovacik and serving as the current President of the LA Press Club hosted the event, while NBC4 Anchor Colleen Williams presented several awards.

For more information, visit www.lapressclub.org.

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