Online Auction: Christmas List Solved!

Theater academy offers chats with broadway producers, Bette Midler tix.

Amazon, eBay, Best Buy. Seems like most online shopping sites offer the same stuff. The Academy for New Musical Theater has a better idea: Offer really cool, unusual items at discounted prices and help support local musical theater at the same time. From Nov. 28-Dec. 7, log on and bid on items ranging from theater tickets and massages to an XBOX 360 Arcade. How is this different from eBay? Some of the coolest goodies aren't available anywhere else.

Private tete-a-tete with an 'Avenue Q' writer or 'Altar Boyz' producer
Trips to London and NYC
Discount tix to LA's top stages
Tickets to Bette Midler in Vegas
Private concerts (in your house!)

You can even bid on everyday services such as head shots, legal consultations and makeovers with celeb stylists. Winner for most random yet potentially coveted item? The 24-person birthday bash with Whirlie the Clown.

Proceeds benefit the Academy. Browse now at

Bidding starts at 8AM on Nov. 28 and ends 5PM Dec. 7.

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