Email Scan

We scan the inbox so you don't have to. Today, three items of note:

DailyCandy: Getting Out the Vote
Refinery29: Paris street style (pictured)
Thrillist: Cerebral Itch ecards
UrbanDaddy: Bullet-holed, blood-dipped (not literally) Tais Ties
Rare Daily LA: not updated
Gen Art Pulse: not updated
The Stylephile: not updated
Best Bets Daily: John Derian’s for Target plates and trays
WhoWhatWearDaily: The onslaught of bowler hats
Charles & Marie: Obama O's vs. Captain McCain's
Delight Daily: Very squeezable shampoo, conditioner travel bottles
Vivre Notes: Sweaters and cardisFor more stories from Racked LA, go to

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