Santa! Santa! Santa!

There are a trio of LA locations for 2011's red-suited revelry.

Remember back in the day, when you wanted to dress up like Santa, and join dozens of others dressed like Santa? And there was just one designated location? That was the spot where you'd meet and then carouse, maybe sing a few songs and raise a few glasses?

That day is so long gone. Now Santacon, the worldwide, red-suited, white-bearded phenom, is bestowing not one, not two, but a trio of lively meet-up locations for Angelenos to enjoy. (Well, the LA organizers are bestowing those, so, yay them). The 2011 date is Saturday, Dec. 17, and if you happen to be anywhere near the Gold Line, Hollywood, or Redondo Beach on that date, the chances are extremely good that you'll see a pack of merrymakers sporting wide, shiny black belts and copious amounts of eye twinkle.

Some would write entire booklets and various term papers on the true nature of Santacon, but let's get down to what it is: People dressed like Santa, drinking and eating and raising a little North Pole-style heck, all in the name of slightly mischievious holiday merrymaking. Others may arrive with their own holly-bedecked agendas but that's at the heart of the day.

New York City already Santacon'd this year, as have other cities, so we wouldn't be surprised if our own Santacon hosts a few out-of-town revelers looking to get one more dose of the Jolly Elf in for 2011.

There are other things to know, like when specific locations will be announced and how to get info on bus passes, so read up and sign up. Also, you'll want to follow @lasanta on Twitter.

Remember when there wasn't an @lasanta? Santacon, you've grown. And to that we do doff our faux fur-lined cap.

Aside: Does the word "Twitter" suddenly sound a bit like a reindeer name to you? Maybe Comet's cousin? Are we stretching?

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