Shameless Restaurants: Guess the Screaming Chef

It's not new, but one of our favorite time sucks: Shameless Restaurants where disgruntled employees complain about their current or former employers. Some give names and places (this rant about The Penthouse is pretty priceless), but they often keep the restaurant anonymous, which leads to another fun guessing game for you, dear readers. Here's one such nugget about a "popular seafood place in a Hollywood landmark":

"i work in this fairly new place where the owner/chef is an as#%*e. nobody is good enough for him to hire so he has people come in and "audition" for a night just so he can have enough staff. they never get paid for their time nor receive, at least, a free meal. he screams at the staff (in front of customers)every night because he doen’t get what he wants yet can’t communicate what he wants. needless to say, everyone is scared of him and at the same time desparate for his approval...he’s goes through managers like crazy because he hires waiters that he can get for cheap and then fires them ’cause they don’t know what they’re doing, then expects his waitstaff to pick up the pieces. i hope this prick wakes up someday, or fails."

There's no way to vet the truth to any of these rants, but damn if it isn't a fun read. Know this particular chef/restaurant? In the comments, please.
· Don't Work in Santa Monica [Shameless Restaurants]
· A Popular Seafood Place in Hollywood Landmark [Shameless Restaurants]For more stories from Eater LA, go to

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