Solvang Danish Days: Be a VIP

This is year one for the "Dane for a Day" package.

77 YEARS: When a long-running event marks three-quarters of a century, one can guess, with some confidence, that several of the traditions are set. The party usually opens with the same song or march, the big Saturday night whoop-di-do has similar decorations from year-to-year, and the whole thing wraps with a poem that is read every time, without fail. It's nice, after all, to honor these things, but what is even nicer is when the traditions stay but a fun and guest-pleasing perk is introduced. Solvang's famous Danish Days are doing just that, and just in time for the Days' 77th outing, which dance from Friday, Sept. 20 through Sunday, Sept. 22. That fresh addition is the "Dane for a Day" VIP Access Package.

WITH THE PACKAGE... you nab a few charming goodies, like two VIP Access passes to the Aebleskiver Breakfast on either weekend day. Do you even need to keep reading? Are you sold? Yes. Our eyes usually stop reading at aebleskiver and begin looking for a place to sign up. Because you know the aebleskiver and Solvang's sweet relationship to it, surely? Surely you do. Doughy orbs of sugary soft mouth-nice goodness. Mmm. Okay, moving on. Two drink and two burger tickets are in the VIP package (use 'em at the Viking Beer Garden on either Friday and Saturday), ten raffle tickets that may net you a trip to Denmark, a couple of festive buttons, and a souvenir program. We'd personally put that program front-and-center on our coffeetable, with any pictures of aebleskivers face out, the better to enjoy them. Did we say "mmm" already? We did? Good.

THE COST: The VIP Access Package is fifty bucks and you can go to this website to start your VIP process. But you don't need a package to enjoy Danish Days. It's completely come-one-come-all, no dancing clogs or traditional wear required (though that is always nice). Want to do absolutely everything? Here's where to start.

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