Talking Points: January 20

We sighed a small sigh when we realized that, after today, all the Obama-themed cookies, the donuts, the special-edition plates, the lollipops, the posters, the t-shirts, even the tattoos, might all go away, or at least not be quite as prevalent on the national scene. We understand and support that after the parties wind down it is down to business, but the lighter side leading up the election? Got people's minds off worrying about the economy and everything, if only for a moment.

All that said, we still want to sample the Obama 44 Inaugural Blend from serendipiTea. Hints of mango, Kenyan black tea, cinnamon -- delish.

Kevin Smith's comic book store shuttered in LA last week. That is a major bummer, both for Smith fans and comic buffs. We always liked that the director stayed true to his fan boy roots. Now that we have a president that likes comics, we hope the industry has an upswing.

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