The Shutter: Sonora Cafe Finally Says Sayonara

After Sonora Cafe went on the market earlier this year, it was rumored to be leased by a company called Yummie's and would eventually close. Now it's official, per the flackage:

"Ron Salisbury, owner of the historic 85-year-old El Cholo family of restaurants, announces that he will soon be closing Sonora Cafe, the popular younger southwestern sibling of the chain. Sonora Cafe opened in downtown Los Angeles in 1986, where it remained until its much-ballyhooed 'switch' of locations with City Cafe, then located on La Brea and owned by Food Network’s 'Too Hot Tamales' Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken, in 1994. P.S. Ron is looking to relocate and welcomes any ideas."

We ran into a Sonora server not too long ago who said the staff didn't know about the sale until they read it on Eater (you're welcome), but since we got an unofficial tip that it will close on November 15, we assume this time they know it's coming.
· Sonora Cafe on the Market [~ELA~]
· EaterWire: Sonoar Cafe Maybe Leased [~ELA~]For more stories from Eater LA, go to

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