RAY LAMONTAGNE: True-blue balladry rendered with thought, heart, and buckets of underplayed (but perfectly felt) emotion. Maine's introspective bard is making for the Orpheum Theatre for a three-night set. Friday, November 20th-Sunday, November 22nd.
A TALE OF TWO PERSIAN CARPETS: Two rare treasures, displayed together. It doesn't happen all the time, but it is happening right now at LACMA, where the Ardabil Carpet -- which was created nearly a half millennium ago -- will be displayed with the Coronation Carpet, another wondrous work. If you're mad for textiles, get to the museum, definitely before January 18th.
GROVE TREE LIGHTING: Oh, it's as big -- big with people showing, big with entertainment, big with buzz -- as its famous big tree. Five for Fighting will be rocking the nighttime festivities, Cirque du Soleil acrobats will tumble, and there will be fireworks at the outdoor shopping mall. It all gets going at 7:30PM on Sunday, November 22nd.
OLD TOWN MUSIC HALL: We like the program at this El Segundo landmark most weeks, but this weekend's "Naughty Marietta" intrigues. It's on November 20th-22nd. And next weekend, a holiday weekend, the Music Hall delivers a holiday goody in the form of "Holiday Inn"; tuck a hanky or two in your pocket now.
MIRACLE MILE ART WALK: It's the final one of 2009. Stroll around galleries in the La Brea/Beverly Boulevard area (an excellent area rich in lookie-loo-ing), attend artist talks, and hop on the Holly Trolley shuttle. The host gallery is DNJ, and everything goes down from 4-9PM on Saturday, November 21st.