What You're Doing Tonight: Nov. 24

SEA SHANTIES AHOY: The Stephen King-worthy fog that rolled in over the weekend put us in the mind of old-style shantyism; so it must be kismet that The Decemberists, those purveyors of chamber-pop with a hint of the yo-ho-ho, are hitting town. We hope "Los Angeles, I'm Yours" is on the set list. Monday, November 24, 8PM doors. $27.50. The Wiltern, 3780 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles. 213-380-5005

OSCAR'S DOCS: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences screens "A Story of Healing" and "The Long Way Home," the two final documentaries in its Monday-night series of Oscar documentaries. Monday, November 24, 6:30PM. $5. Linwood Dunn Theater at the Academy's Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study, 1313 Vine Street, Hollywood.

POP LEVI AT SILENT MOVIE: Mysterious artist and musical wunderkind Pop Levi appears to show his first film "You Don't Gotta Run," which was made on cell phones and pocket camera and involves mannequins. We guess that's all we really need to know; consider us intrigued. Monday, November 24, 8PM. $12. Silent Movie Theatre, 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles. 323-655-2510

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