LOS ANGELES -- In a stunt that makes other flash mobs seem irrelevant, an army of zombies is expected to show up next week in full costume to dance the Thriller.
For those unfamiliar with the art of the flash mob, a group of people -- often strangers -- appears at a location and performs some sort of stunt.
The minds behind the Thriller flash mob, the "Thrill The World" campaign, claim ownership of the world record for largest simultaneous Thriller dance in multiple locations, with 1,722 people in 52 cities on five continents.
Last year, 103 people danced in San Diego, 102 in San Francisco and 40 in Irvine, according to the group's Web site.
According to the site, on Saturday, Oct. 25 at 11 a.m., the record could be broken again.
So, where can you find dancing zombies on the morning of Oct. 25?
According to the organizers' MySpace page, the LA location has been scheduled for the Hollywood and Highland Center.
Want in on the action? There's still time to join the group by attending practice locations. Visit the group's MySpace page here for practice times and locations.
Want more flash mob awesomeness? For my money, it doesn't get any better than New York's Improv Everywhere. The collection of pranksters faked a birthday party on the subway, stormed a Best Buy with 80 people dressed in blue polo shirts and khaki pants, and employed an attendant in a McDonald's bathroom.