Right to Bare Arms: Marines to Allow Rolled-Up Sleeves

Top brass have decided to reverse a uniform policy from Oct. 2011

Marines, get ready to roll up your sleeves.

In a Marine Corps Administrative Message dated Feb. 26, the military branch announced that Marines could once again roll up the sleeves of their Combat Utility Uniforms, the daily work uniform.

The decision came from Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James F. Amos. In a letter, Amos wrote, in part:

I can't tell you how many times we have been asked the persistent question "Commandant, are we ever going to return to SLEEVES UP?" I've thought a lot about this over the past 2 .5 years; I realize that it's important to you. Sleeves up clearly and visually sets us apart.

This reverses a policy from October 2011 requiring Marines to wear their sleeves down year-round.

The new dress code goes into effect March 9, when the Marine Corps switches to summer uniforms.

Marines will still have to wear their sleeves down in combat zones, in the field and during the winter months.

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