Early Voting Begins Saturday in LA County

Voters now have eleven days to vote before the primary and can choose where they want to vote.

Early voting for the 2020 California primary began Saturday at hundreds of voting centers throughout Los Angeles County. Voters in LA County now have 11 days to cast their votes before the Super Tuesday primary.

This is the first election that LA County transitioned from polling places to vote centers, allowing voters to cast their ballot at any voting center in the county over an extended period of time. This is opposed to voting on election day at one specific polling place.

The new change is about convenience for voters as they are now in control of when and where they vote.

An electronic touch screen tool is now used as a ballot. Voters make their selections using the touch screen then their ballot is printed off with their selections.

Voters still have until Tuesday, Feb. 25 to request a mail in ballot which must be postmarked with their ballot by March 3 to be accepted. For more frequently asked questions click here.

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