CDC Advice for Parents: Autism

Click the link below to read more about autism on the CDC's website

Autism cases are on the rise again, largely due to wider screening and better diagnosis, federal health officials said Thursday.

CDC Autism Page: Facts, Advice
The rate of U.S. cases of autism and related disorders rose to about 1 in 88 children. The previous estimate was 1 in 110.

The new figure is from the latest in a series of studies that have been steadily increasing the government's autism estimate. This new number means autism is nearly twice as common as officials said it was only five years ago, and likely affects roughly 1 million U.S. children and teens.

CDC Autism Advice for Parents:

  • Talk to your child’s doctor about your concerns.
  • Call your local early intervention program or school system for an assessment.
  • Remember you do not need a diagnosis to access services for your child.
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