Hydration in the Los Angeles Heat

You can't turn anywhere without hearing about the heat wave that has taken over Los Angeles. Stepping outside is like a punch to the stomach and those leather seats in your BMW are now just one singe away from leaving third-degree burns on your body. Hopefully the heat will simmer down soon, but for now, and especially with fire season and those Santa Anas soon kicking up into gear, it's important to remember to hydrate yourself throughout the hot weather.

It's easy to forget how important water is when it's available everywhere you go. Your workplace lunchroom might have a water dispenser, the vending machine, the convenience store. Make sure you make an effort to stock up on water and any type of drink with electrolytes. With excessive sweating, electrolytes are lost, which are vital to keep you alert and your body functioning on all cylinders.

Drinking water in excess only on occasion isn't healthy either, so try to make it a daily habit to consume six to eight glasses of water a day. It keeps the skin healthy, is the fluid that surrounds our joints and also regulates metabolism. It's so important in our daily lives and in hot temperatures, like the scorching ones we've been experiencing here, it's even more important to make sure you get enough water.

With the dry weather we've been experiencing you'll feel dehydrated much quicker than normal and if you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. So pour yourself a glass and drink up! It will only make you feel better and refreshed. Then jump in a cold pool and hope this heat wave passes soon!

Don't forget about kids and pets! It's very important to make sure that kids have an ample supply of water and that any pets have access to water throughout the day.

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