Stow Suspect's Bail Reduction Hearing Delayed to Aug. 10

The delay means Marvin Norwood and Louie Sanchez are scheduled to return to court Aug. 10

A bail reduction hearing for one of two men accused in the attack on a Giants fan at Dodger Stadium was delayed until Aug. 10.

Attorneys for Louie Sanchez were scheduled to argue for the bail reduction Monday when they appeared in court. The judge granted a request for a delay.

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Sanchez, 29, and Marvin Norwood, 30, both of Rialto, were arrested  July 21 and charged the next day in connection with the March 31 attack on Bryan Stow. Each is being held in lieu of $500,000 bail.

Both Sanchez and Norwood are expected to be arraigned at the Aug. 10 hearing.

During Monday's proceedings, it was alleged in a filing from the District Attorney's office that the two suspects were involved in two separate attacks on Stow and his friends.

At a court hearing last week, Los Angeles Superior Court judge rejected  a defense motion to reduce bail for Norwood, citing "the seriousness of the  charges'' and indications he would be a threat to public safety if released. Prosecutors contend in court papers that the high bail amounts are  justified since the severity of the injuries to Stow more closely resembled  "homicide than an ordinary assault.'' Sanchez and Norwood are both scheduled  to be arraigned Aug. 10.

According to court papers, police recovered "five firearms, including  an AR 15 assault rifle'' during a search of Norwood's home. Prosecutors also  say that Sanchez "told witnesses not to provide information about the crime.''

Sanchez's attorney, Gilbert Quinones, said outside court last week that  his client was a Dodgers fan who had attended the opening day game with "his  brother-in-law, his sister and his child.'' He said Sanchez works as a  supervisor in the auto-detailing department of a Fontana vehicle auction  company.

Norwood's lawyer, Lee Rosen, said his client worked as a carpenter.

Both men are charged with mayhem, assault by means likely to produce  great bodily injury and battery with serious bodily injury, all felonies,  according to the District Attorney's Office. Sanchez is also charged with two  misdemeanor counts of battery stemming from another alleged run-in the same  day, when he allegedly attacked another man and woman, according to the  criminal complaint.

Stow, a 42-year-old Santa Cruz paramedic and a father of two, remains  hospitalized at San Francisco General Hospital.

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