
At Least 6 Deputies and 2 Inmates Injured During Major Disturbance at Pitchess Detention Center

The facility remains on lockdown as of 5 :40 p.m.


A major disturbance involving inmates at Pitchess Detention Center, located in Castaic, was reported Thursday at around 3:15 p.m.

According to an LASD spokesperson, several deputies and inmates were injured during the incident.

Deputy personnel was conducting security checks inside one of the dorms according to a press statement. “During the security checks, a deputy was assaulted by an inmate. Multiple inmates in the dorm became involved in the altercation.”

Officials used verbal commands to gain compliance, and other deputies were called to offer support during the confrontation.

 Police said he was carrying a replica gun. John Cádiz Klemack reports for the NBC4 News on Thursday, July 15, 2021.

“Pepper Spray was administered and approximately 20-25 inmates were exposed to the chemical,” according to the statement.

Six deputies, the Custody Assistant and two inmates were transported to a local hospital for non-life threatening injuries.


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The facility remains on lockdown as of 5:40 p.m.

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