What to Know
- National Orange Show Event Center in San Bernardino
- Saturday, Feb. 23
- $5-$40
Someone somewhere is currently chowing down on a coffee-flavored doughnut, or at least a doughnut flecked with coffee beans or threaded through with sugary java goo.
Someone else is sipping a warm drink, made from beans, that has a hint of doughnut sweetness to it, either courtesy of the cream or another flavoring.
Because great food thinkers have long found ways to combine the most classic duos, from peanut bar jars boasting flecks of jam to omelets boasting bacon bits (rather than the bacon appearing on the side).
But is it possible to do better than a perfect cup of coffee with the perfect doughnut at its side? Let's state flatly that it is not. More exploration may be needed, however, meaning the upcoming Coffee & Donut Festival is right on time.
Luckily a celebration of the ultimate morningtime duo is brewing at the National Orange Show Event Center in San Bernardino on Saturday, Feb. 23.
The fest? It's "... a jelly-filled day of donut eating contests, competitions, prizes, an awesome kid zone," and lots more.
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A bevy of bakeries from the region will be out purveying some of their best hole-tastic eats, though, of course, a doughnut, in theory, doesn't always require that missing center.
And while caffeine-focused beverages are the thing, there are other early-in-the-day drinks, like mimosas and the classic Bloody Mary, and you can count on both to make cameos, too.
More details on this lip-smacking, rise-and-shine pairing? Put on a fresh pot and pull your favorite cruller from the box: It's time to plan your sweet San Bernardino outing on the final Saturday of February 2019.