A select number of $10 tickets for every performance of the musical "Hamilton," which opens Thursday at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre, will be doled out via a digital lottery that opened Tuesday.
The musical will go on as scheduled, despite concerns about the coronavirus and increasing numbers of local cases, theater officials said Monday.
Locations of the $10 seats will vary per performance, with some seats located in the front row, according to show producer Jeffrey Seller.
To enter the lottery, use the official app for "Hamilton,'' available for all iOS and Android devices in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store HamiltonBroadway.com/app, or visit www.HamiltonMusical.com/Lottery.
The digital lottery will opened at 11 a.m. Tuesday for tickets to the opening night performance. Subsequent digital lotteries will also begin two days prior to each performance.
The lottery will close for entry at 9 a.m. the day prior to the performance. Winner and non-winner notifications will be sent about 11 a.m. the day prior to the performance via email and text message, if a mobile number is provided.
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Tickets must be purchased online with a credit card by 4 p.m. the day prior to the performance using the purchase link and code in a customized notification email.
Tickets not claimed by 4 p.m. the day prior to the performance will be forfeited. Lottery tickets may be picked up at will call beginning three hours prior to the performance with a valid photo ID. Lottery tickets are void if resold. There is a limit of one entry per person, per performance.
Repeat entries and disposable email addresses will be discarded. Patrons must be 18 years or older and have a valid, non-expired photo ID that matches the name used to enter. Tickets are non-transferable.