Diners, Looking Forward to Weekend, Are Disappointed About Having to Mask Up Again

Beginning at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, LA County is mandating workers and customers wear masks indoors.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Diners reacted with disappointment Friday about LA County's renewed mask mandate requiring people to wear masks again indoors as COVID-19 cases climb.

Restaurant owners say they were just starting to thrive again after a year of shutdowns.

People were looking forward to getting out this summer after being locked in for so long. Now they have to deal with a restriction they thought they had left behind.

Christy Vega, the owner of Casa Vega in Sherman Oaks, says business has been booming. She worries that bringing back an indoor mask mandate will encourage the unvaccinated to continue to hold out.

"Taking away the rights and privileges of vaccinated people due to concerns for unvaccinated takes away that incentive," she said. "Just play ball. We’re all one planet. Do the right thing. Wear the mask."

Business has been thriving since the state’s reopening at restaurants such as Simmzy’s in Manhattan Beach. But two days ago, owner Mike Simms had already begun requiring his workers to wear masks again.

"We did have a couple of cases," he said. "In order to protect rest of our staff we decided to put masks on for everyone."

Beginning at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, LA County is mandating workers and customers wear masks indoors. That makes Simms glad he expanded his outdoor dining. But some in Manhattan Beach are reacting with disappointment.

"It's totally a shame," said Ed Wolfman, a diner. "It's sad to have to see this happen."

Tommy Torii, the owner of Manhattan Beach E-Bike Rentals, says he’ll adjust.

"Not super happy about it. For us as a business … we want people to be safe."

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