Dodger Officials Investigate Opening Day Scuffle Caught on Tape

Los Angeles Dodgers officials are looking into a scuffle caught on tape between security guards and a man who apparently was refusing to leave the stadium.

The video, posted to YouTube, shows at least a half dozen uniformed security guards approaching an unidentified man near an exit gate to the stadium. One guard appears to exchange words with the man and things become heated. The guard is then seen aggressively pushing the man out of the gate and a scuffle takes place.

The group of security guards quickly surround the man, taking him to the ground and handcuffing him.

The video claims to be shot on Opening Day, April 13.

According to the LA Times:

Dodgers spokesman Josh Rawitch said the club was aware of the video and was looking into the circumstances.

LAPD Capt. Bill Murphy said he did not know the identity of the man in the video or whether he was among the 132 people arrested at the stadium during an opening-day crackdown. Murphy said none of those captured on the video were on-duty LAPD officers.

Murphy told the Times that the man seemed to push the security guard first and that the man's actions supported the use of force.


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You can view the YouTube video below. Warning: It contains offensive language.

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