Driver Loses Control and Crashes Into Three Homes in La Cañada

A driver loses control on Angeles Crest Highway then crashes into three homes causing severe damage in La Cañada.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Frightening moments for some La Cañada residents last night when a driver lost control and careened across three properties.

Toppled trees, crushed cement walls, and a flattened fence are some of the damage caused by an out of control car which eventually came to a stop when it hit the side of Daphne Thabet's house.

"The car stopped because of the house, otherwise he would've kept on going, " Thabet said.

Thabet lives in a back unit and rents the front house to a family of three. Everyone was home at the time of the crash and fortunately no one was injured.

"[The driver] he was on his roof. The car had flipped over and the car was upside down in my driveway," Thabet said.

The 2005 Lexus utility vehicle was driven by a young man who managed to crawl out on his own and had minor injuries, much to the surprise of neighbors.

"He thought maybe there was a boulder in the road he was trying to swerve to avoid," said Nora Koskenmaki, a homeowner nearby. "He gave a couple of different stories so I'm sure he was a little shook up, but he was fine once he got out of the car which none of us could believe."

Her front yard was the second one the car careened through after it left Angeles Crest Highway where it curves, near Glenola Park.

"We get a lot of weekend people that like to fly up Angeles Crest with their fancy cars and motorcycles," Koskenmaki said. "This kid says he was up looking at the view, maybe at the country club or something and just came down really fast, I guess."

The car ruptured her water pipes but a plumper was able to make repairs Monday.

Her neighbors are not as fortunate.

"The whole electrical box is gone and because of the wires being exposed, they had to shut everything down," Thabet said.

With no water and no power to both the renters home and Thabet's, all of them are now looking got a temporary place to live.

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