Two more people in Orange County have tested positive locally for the novel coronavirus, health officials said Tuesday, but federal test results are still pending to confirm the diagnoses.
According to the Orange County Health Care Agency, the cases are a man in his 60s and a woman in her 30s who had recently traveled to countries with widespread outbreaks of what is officially known as COVID-19. The pair tested positive in Orange County, but test results were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to confirm the results.
"The more you look for something, the more likely you are to find it," said Dr. Nichole Quick, the county's health officer. "Now that our Public Health Laboratory is able to perform COVID-19 testing, we expect to see more cases here in Orange County. Our residents should take everyday precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like covering your coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching your face, and washing your hands frequently."
Another person in the county who contracted the virus earlier this year has fully recovered.
The news comes as organizers of the second biggest annual convention in Anaheim announced the postponement of the event due to concerns over the virus. Natural Products Expo West officials plan to discuss a new date for the convention in Anaheim later this year.
There have been nine deaths from coronavirus in the United States, all in Washington state. Worldwide, roughly 93,000 cases of COVID-19 have been reported, and more than 3,100 deaths.