"It is possible to stand up for what is right and to prevail."
That's what Hail Ketchum-Wiggins said about the settlement in her lawusit against the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.
Four varsity football players threatened to both rape and kill her in a video posted on a Facebook profile, according to the lawsuit. And the video also made threats against gay and lesbian students. Her complaints were ignored and she was even retaliated against, said Karyl Ketchum, Hail's mother.
She said she hopes the settlement prevents others from going through what she experienced last year, her senior year at Corona Del Mar High.
Under the settlement every administrator, teacher and student in the Newport-Mesa United School District must take part in a mandatory sexual discrimnation and harassment training program.
As a result of the settlement, the lawsuit will be dismissed. But the school district did not admit to any liability or wrongdoing.
Hail Ketchum-Wiggins is now in college.
Her parents said today they were pleased with the settlement and only wish it could have happened while their daughter and the male students were still at the school.