The California Highway Patrol and Los Angeles Police Depatment teamed up to take a pursuit suspect into custody Tuesday night.
The night began with the CHP pursuing a Honda sedan in the San Fernando Valley on the 118 Freeway in the Porter Ranch area.
Newschopper4 Alpha and Ileana Moreno were overhead and began to track the pursuit at approximately 9:30 p.m.
The suspect was driving at high speeds on the 5 Freeway southbound.
At 9:40 p.m., the vehicle continued on the southbound 5 Freeway approaching the 110 Freeway.
At approximately 9:50 p.m., the pursuit was cancelled as the police helicopter and Newschopper4 Bravo lost sight of the vehicle. Due to the LA Dodgers playing, flight restrictions required that Newschopper4 Alpha monitor from a safe distance.
Shortly after 10 p.m., Gil Leyvas and Newschopper4 Bravo caught up with what was believed to be the same vehicle in the South LA area. The vehicle was moving at high speeds on the 105 Freeway with the LAPD airship overhead and LAPD vehicles overhead.
Police Chases
Video from Southern California's police pursuits and follow-ups on what happened after the chase
The driver was moving at high speeds and driving erratically.
Eventually, the pursuit ended abruptly at West 83rd Street and South Flower Street when the driver stopped his vehicle and stuck his hands out the window.
The pursuit suspect was taken into custody shortly after stopping without further incident at approximately 10:25 p.m.