Upset Truck Drivers Clog City Streets in Protest

Caravan reached downtown Los Angeles and began circling City Hall.

Nearly 100 angry truck drivers crowded the streets of Long Beach and Downtown LA protesting new environmental regulations they say are hurting their livelihood.

Truckers are upset over new container fees contained in the Clean Truck Program that they say are hurting independent truckers’ income, according to the National Port Drivers Assn cited in the LA Times. Many honked horns and flashed light hoping to raise awareness about their cause.

The surprise protest started in Long Beach, clogging streets and catching many off guard. The CHP was not told in advance and sent units to monitor.

The caravan reached downtown Los Angeles around 10am and began circling City Hall.

Officials expect the 710 South to be jammed when the truckers return to the port of Long Beach.

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