
Volunteer Program Helps Perfect Strangers Deliver Meals, Medications to Those at Risk of COVID-19

In serving California's largest metropolitan area, the organization will connect local volunteers with the elderly, those with compromised immune systems and other at-risk populations in their neighborhoods to provide the safe delivery of meals, groceries and other essential goods.

Cropped shot of young woman receiving a box of fresh organic food delivery at the front door.

Perfect Strangers, a national nonprofit organization providing free delivery of groceries, meals, medications and supplies to those at a higher risk of exposure to COVID-19, announced Monday its expansion into the Los Angeles area and put out a call for volunteers.

"By connecting food providers and at-risk residents with local volunteers, we are providing communities with critical social services and individuals with a sense of purpose and engagement in their neighborhoods,'' said Perfect Strangers co-founders Mimi Aboubaker and Elle Wilson.

Perfect Strangers' launch in the region comes in response to the high level of volunteer interest and increasing need for at-risk community support, they said. In serving California's largest metropolitan area, the organization will connect local volunteers with the elderly, those with compromised immune systems and other at-risk populations in their neighborhoods to provide the safe delivery of meals, groceries and other essential goods.

By pursuing partnerships with other state and local government programs, such as California Volunteers and the governor's office, Perfect Strangers has been able to support emergency food assistance programs and significantly grow its impact across California, acording to its founders.

Perfect Strangers has become a delivery partner for community-based organizations, local government agencies and food distributors that have struggled to redefine their operating model in the COVID-19 era.

"Since the beginning of this crisis, California Volunteers has focused on making sure Californians get the food they need,'' said California Volunteers Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday. "We are proud to partner with Perfect Strangers through our service initiative #CaliforniansForAll by helping connect local volunteers to service opportunities.''


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To learn more about Perfect Strangers services, volunteering or partnership opportunities, visit

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