Breaking up is never easy, but a new website is turning heartbreak into cold hard cash.
Gifts from significant others take on a special meaning, but when that special someone becomes an ex, is there.
"I had a teddy bear my boyfriend gave me and as soon as we broke up, I let my dog have at it," said Suzy Donabedian.
When the website’s founder Annabel Acton and her ex broke up five days before Christmas, she was left holding plane tickets.
"I started thinking about the other things I had that I didn’t want anymore – the jewelry he bought me, artwork we bought together," Acton said. "Then I just started thinking wouldn’t it be funny if there was a place that let you sell all these things."
Now, the broken hearted can sell those sentimental pieces to people who don’t have that same attachment.
Each item listed has a real-world price, a break-up price, and a story about how the item came to grace the site.
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“It really is a bit of a cathartic experience,” Acton said. “It’s a community experience and a chance to share and remind yourself you’re not the only one in that position.”
The story telling is what Acton said sets her website apart from other seller sites.
"Ebay got to a point where it’s trying to be Amazon and it’s trying to get into efficient shipping model and it’s really lost what’s made it special in the first place, which is the humanity and the story," Acton said. "It’s the fact you’re buying off real people."
As for the name of the website: Acton said it had "enough cheek, enough attitude but without being downright rude."
The website has only been up a few months, but it’s getting a lot of attention, including a tweet from Ivanka Trump.
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