West Hollywood Considers Arizona Boycott

There are already boycotts aimed at Arizona, until the state’s anti-illegal immigration law is repealed.

Tonight, West Hollywood may be added to the list.

The West Hollywood City Council will consider banning official travel to Arizona, until Senate Bill 1070 is pulled from the books.  The city council meets tonight at 6:30, in the auditorium of West Hollywood Park, to discuss the issue.

Arizona's new law makes it a crime for an illegal immigrant to live or work in the state, and gives police new powers to demand proof of citizenship.

President Barack Obama and numerous civil rights groups have condemned the law, and lawsuits have been filed in an attempt to have it declared unconstitutional.

A survey found nearly two-thirds of Arizona voters support the law. 

"Arizona is acting responsibly to address a border security crisis that is not of our making," says Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  She also said she will not tolerate racial discrimination or profiling.


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Will L.A. be next on the boycott list?  Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa backed a call by council members Janice Hahn and Ed Reyes for an economic boycott of Arizona.

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