Jay-Z: ‘I've Been Invited To The White House A Couple Of Times'

The President is a fan of both the rapper and his wife

Jay-Z says he hopes Barack Obama is President for eight years – so he'll have time to visit.

"I've been invited to the White House a couple of times," the busy rapper told the BBC's Jonathan Ross on Friday. "Hopefully we'll keep him in for eight years, so I'll have time to get there."

But the busy hip-hop star explained that though he hasn't made it to the White House, the President keeps him close at hand.

"Barack loves hip-hop," Jay said. "When I called him he was playing '[The] Blueprint' at the gym."

And the President is also a fan of Jay's wife, Beyonce, who sang "At Last" for the President and First Lady Michelle's first dance at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball during the presidential inauguration festivities.

As previously reported on AccessHollywood.com, President Obama admitted he'd even busted a move to Beyonce's "Single Ladies."

"I didn't want my girls thinking that I couldn't, y'know – I got a little something," he said in a behind-the-scenes inauguration video previously posted by John Legend, joking, "I'm not like Justin [Timberlake], I didn't put on the outfit."

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