Big Bunny Weekend Hops into LA Zoo

Youngsters can jump into a bouquet of activities, and meet the long-of-ear celebrity, too.

What to Know

  • Big Bunny Weekend is on from April 19-21
  • Spring Fling ends on April 28
  • With zoo admission; some activities additional

Stand with any group of pals, and pose for a photo, and chance are solid that a friend will attempt to make a pair of bunny ears, with a pair of fingers, above and behind your head.

It's a long-standing photo tradition that is as lasting as friendship itself, even if, no, we never really want that pair of rabbit ears.

But sometimes we do, and it is usually the weekend of Easter, and we can often find a way to make such a craft at a location that is fully hop, hop, hopping into the holiday.

As the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens is doing through Sunday, April 21.

The animal-sweet spot is reveling all weekend long, thanks to Big Bunny Weekend. The weekend-long to-do is part of the zoo's even bigger Spring Fling, which wraps for 2019 on Sunday, April 28.

But the bunny-oriented bash, which twitches its whiskers throughout Easter Weekend?

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You'll want to be there, should your tot wish to meet the Easter Bunny, smile over bee and butterfly puppeteers, enjoy aerialists and acrobats (the show is themed to butterflies), and, oh yes, create bunny ear crafts.

A bunny ear craft is, all in all, rather nicer than impromptu rabbit ears in a photo. Or maybe they're both cute? That's up to you to decide.

Some of the Big Bunny Weekend activities are included with the price of zoo admission, and some are extra, so you'll want to check before going to Griffith Park.

An example? There's a honey tasting opportunity, at particular times. 

As mentioned, the zoo's popular Spring Fling continues for a week beyond Easter, with most of the aforementioned activities, save the bunny ears and the appearance by the Easter Bunny.

But if you're looking for sunshiny holiday high jinks of an educational, animal-focused sort, load up the basket, er, station wagon, and go LA Zoo over Easter Weekend.

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