It's hard to talk about the seasons of singing in a city like ours, because a lot of people here make a living from their voices and musical talents.
But for many people, both here and in other places, their desire to sing remains hidden throughout the year. There just aren't opportunities to raise the voice in song, except for the shower, the car, and during a warbly rendition of "Happy Birthday."
December, though, is the official month for coming together to sing, which means that every opportunity should be seized. A fine one, of course, and perhaps the most famous 'round these parts, is the LA Master Chorale's "Messiah" sing-along.
It's popular, it's joyful, and audience participants come out to SING, all capitals. Believe it. Picture with your ears, if you will, some 2200 voices warming the epic spaces of Walt Disney Concert Hall. Nice, right? That's on Monday, Dec. 17.
Should you not want to sing along, but rather would prefer to be sung to, the Chorale can oblige. Handel's "Messiah" comes back around on Saturday, Dec. 22.
There are other seasonal concerts in store from the huge, hefty-piped chorus, including a Festival of Carols on Saturday, Dec. 8 and Saturday, Dec. 15.
And shouldn't we all make a resolution to sing throughout the year, not just in the shower? Take inspiration from all of our neighbors who work in the music business. Singing, loud and proud, is a happy thing.