Cosmic Arrival: Scum and Villainy Cantina

The "Star Wars"-inspired joint finally makes its anticipated Hollywood debut.

One day you're just cruising along through the galaxy, avoiding asteroids when and where you can, keeping far out of the way of any Star Destroyers, and then, finally, the moon you've been attempting to reach is right there, in front of you, just a fraction of a parsec away.

The thrust of that set-up is this: In the "Star Wars" universe a fan can wait, and wait, for a new movie, or a theme park addition, or a restaurant pop-up, and then! It happens, it is open, people are going, and you're gently setting your own ship down upon the surface, after months or even years of anticipation of arrival.

Scum and Villainy Cantina, a "fully immersive... intergalactic food and drink experience that transports you to a galaxy far away," has been stoking anticipation among Southern California "Star Wars" fans since the summer of 2016, when word of its approach was floated around this side of the galaxy.

Set to debut in a "secret Hollywood location," the pop-up cantina vowed a "wretched hive" of cosmic high jinks and interstellar sights, the kind of sights lovers of the Lucasian universe crave between movies and conventions.

After ticket on-sales, postings about walk-in opportunities, and other such stuff, the day has arrived: Scum and Villainy Cantina is here, at 6377 Hollywood Boulevard, as of Tuesday, April 4.

There are Important Things to Know, like tickets are listed as sold out, though the cantina "might release more tickets in the distant future." Walk-in opportunities, though, do exist, but you'll want to eye the web site for up-to-the-day info.

Attendees are also rocking the costumes, as a photo posted to Facebook reveals.

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As for taking snapshots inside the Scum and Villainy? "Photos are NOT prohibited," state the cantina people, but they do advise you to be "considerate" when you post, in order to save the surprise and delight for future cantina guests.

It's all a bit secretive, like some moon hidden behind a planet, and it's all a bit alluring, like the way a Jedi might be called to a particular mysterious trunk holding a particular light saber.

To follow along with this fanly happening, and maybe slip inside yourself, like a Jedi might slip into a Galactic Empire base in order to save a compatriot, follow along at the Scum and Villainy Cantina Facebook page or the main site.

And, of course, may the Force be with you, as well as an evening of convivial enjoyment, where Wookiees and droids may or may not swing by, or other characters from the vast "Star Wars" universe.

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