Crusty Peeps, Go Claremont for a Filling Pie Fest

Lots of pastry-making vendors'll show for this first-Saturday-in-spring pie-a-bration.

What to Know

  • Saturday, March 23
  • Claremont Village
  • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Have you been prompted, in recent months, to dig through your cupboards, all with an eye on vamoosing the stuff you positively don't need and almost never, ever use?

A lot of people have, thanks to tidying gury Marie Kondo and other major pros in the de-clutter field. But there are a few things many people hang onto, in the hope that, one day, they'll need that particular object.

Exhibit A: Your rolling pin. Perhaps you use it daily, and if so, bravo. Perhaps, however, you only use it now and then. But hang onto, you do, because one day, by gum, you'll make more pies.

While awaiting that happy day, there are pie-based bashes for you to attend, for inspo, for mood-elevating moments, and to find a couple of swell slices of fruity, creamy deliciousness to eat.

Oh, did we say a couple? You'll want more, most probably, at the Claremont Pie Festival. 

The six-hour sweet-tacular will include numerous booths, some devoted to pie, and others covering other eats, from tamales to bundt cakes. Artisan booths, too, will line the area.

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There shall be demos, too, at the March 23 to-do, should you want to learn how to make a hand pie, or decorate a crust in charming fashion, or, yes, roll out dough.

Bet you're glad you hung onto that rolling pin.

Lisa Ludwinski, of Sister Pie Detroit, is the day's special guest. She'll be signing books, too, if you need a pie book in your world.

Please. Your rolling pin is lonely, so find it a festive friend. And then, most important, put both rolling pin and your brand-new cookbook to work as you make pies at home.

For everything that's coming up at this charmer of a gathering, which feels well-matched to the first Saturday of spring, roll your pin over to this page now.

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