
Free Days Take Flight at the Bowers Museum

Moms and grandmothers can visit the Santa Ana cultural institution on Mother's Day for free.

Bowers Museum/Melanie Gable

What to Know

  • Santa Ana
  • General admission for moms and grandmothers will be free on Mother's Day, but advanced reservations are necessary
  • The "Inside the Walt Disney Archives" exhibition is a separate ticket; admission to the show will be reduced to $10 for mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day

Free days at local museums?

What joyful jewels they are, and given to all so gladly, too.

They're great ways for an institution, whether it is devoted to history, science, the arts, or culture to connect with the public, and for area residents to get to know a new place or exhibit or return to a longtime favorite.

But it is pretty rare to find waived admission at museums on major holidays, all in all.

The Bowers Museum, which has been a centerpiece of the Santa Ana cultural scene for the better part of a century, understands that some set-in-stone traditions are made to be reconsidered, however. And on Mother's Day 2021, the vibrant destination will waive admission for mothers and grandmothers.

There are a few asterisks we'd like to festoon that previous pronouncement with, and quickly, too.

Advance reservations will be necessary, due to the museum's observance of limited capacity, so please book everything ahead of time for the tickets for your family.

The free and discounted tickets for moms and grandmas will be arranged once you all arrive at the museum.

Also good to know? This complimentary offer for moms and grandmothers is for general admission only.

Entry to the "Inside the Walt Disney Archives" exhibit is a separate ticket, but sweet news: That price will be discounted for mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day, to $10.

But the fabulous freebies aren't stopping after Mother's Day, for the Bowers Museum is hosting Free Santa Ana Sundays for everyone who lives in Santa Ana. The museum can do this "... through a generous donation in memory of Dorothy Goerl and courtesy of the Lockhart Family."

Ticketing will be on-site, and you'll want to show ID to let your ticket agent known you're a Santa Ana local.

Sweet: If you enjoy this free ticket, you can also enjoy reduced $10 admission to the Disney archives show, which closes June 20.

And "(a)s a special thanks to frontline workers during the COVID crisis, Bowers is currently offering free admission to all frontline healthcare and emergency services workers who are directly dealing with COVID in their work."

Admission to the Disney exhibit is also complimentary, and you'll want to bring identification.

Still enjoying all of the splendid gifts of the Bowers Museum from home?

Free festivals, presented virtually, are happening monthly. Up in May? It's the Fiesta de Mexico, so clear an hour for music, dance, and make-at-home crafts, too.

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