
Journey, for Free, to the Center of the Milky Way

Explore a "supermassive black hole" with the UCLA Planetarium via a virtual event.

Carlos Fernandez

What to Know

  • Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m.
  • Free
  • Youtube

Viewing the vast wonders of the wider universe on a screen?

This is the way of things, given that earthbound astronomers can't jump into a rocket ship for a quick trip to the nearest nebula, all to study it further (though, surely, most astronomers would jump at the chance).

Rather, we rely on screens to show us pictures of planets, and stars, and galaxies, and all of the far, far, far out there locales that we can't possibly reach right now, due to our current and rather sad lack of a speedy ship.

Which makes an upcoming virtual event hosted by UCLA Planetarium quite fitting.

For we earthlings'll gather together, screen by screen, to admire a marvel that humans can visit in our imaginations, yes, but also through the images supplied by astronomical-minded experts.

It's The Center of the Milky Way, which is the theme of the Wednesday, Sept. 9 Youtube event.

You say your personal rocket ship doesn't have the get-up-and-go to reach that particular place?

No worries. This is what the fascinating meet-up will entail: "Learn more about our home galaxy, our place in it, and how to find the center of the galaxy in the night sky!"

"Plus, discover how astronomers see what's happening at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, what a black hole is, and how astronomers can even take pictures of supermassive black holes!"

It's totally free to join, which is great, since we can all acknowledge that prepping our deluxe rocket ship for a lengthy journey to the Milky Way's heart would be rather more expensive.

Are you sweet on the night sky? Hang with other people who are also awash with wonder as soon as the sun goes down.

Here's more on the free UCLA Planetarium treat.

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