LA Chocolate Salon: Tantalizing Tastes in Pasadena

Try samples from confectioners like Cowboy Toffee, Raphio Chocolate, Amella Caramels, and several more.

Were you a bucket glancer, a bucket sifter, or a bucket digger as a youth?

Every kid who ever trick-or-treated probably adhered to one signature approach, or maybe two, during the end-of-the-night candy search. That's the search that required you to glance into your bucket or bag and then, if you were especially eager, dig down as you searched for your beloved butterscotch lollipops or caramel malt balls.

But if you excavated solely for chocolate, then there's a Southern California event that has your name on it. Well, not literally, of course, because it boasts a name that all chocolateers need to recognize: LA Chocolate Salon.

The autumntime sweet sample-around is back, at The Pasadena Convention Center on Sunday, Oct. 1. 

And bucket-foraging will not be required. What will be? A $20 entrance fee, which will allow you to work your way through several tastes and bites from a whole candy-cool caboodle of confectioners.

Participants for 2017 include Amano Artisan Chocolate, Romeo Chocolates, Raphio Chocolate, Cowboy Toffee, and several others. 

It's the 11th anniversary of the bon bon-focused festival, and an augmented reality app is one of the new additions at the 2017 outing. And cookbook author Nguyen Tran will sign his new work "Starry Kitchen" during the gourmet gathering, too, so keep an eye out for that presentation.

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Halloween is still over a month away, and trick-or-treaters aren't yet wielding those plastic pumpkin buckets.

But grown-up lovers of gooey, salted, nougat-rich chocolates can find a few temptations as October begins, at the treat-based salon in the Crown City.

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